The Site is intended for adults only, therefore, You must be 21 or older to enter or use the Site. We ask parents or legal guardians to assist us by supervising the activities of their children and preventing minors from entering or using the Site.

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Privacy policy

Our site is open to visitors from around the world. Depending on where you reside, privacy rights may vary. For example, due to European Union restrictions imposed by GDPR, residents of the EU who use the site may notice that certain features are not available because behavioral cookies have been removed. We make reasonable efforts to honor requests regarding your personal information, even if your country or state does not require us to do so. Please contact us to exercise one or more of your rights.

Although Humidor 158 does not collect your personal information we do exercise the right to collect the information in cookies.

Cookies are text files placed on your computer or device that collect data while you browse our site. For example, cookies allow us to recognize you on our site and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include where you reside or what language you prefer. Most sites, including ours, wouldn’t work very well without cookies. Because certain cookies are needed for our site to work, we currently don’t enable you to opt-out of cookies. But you can remove cookies by using your browser settings. Keep in mind that certain features of our site may not be available to you if cookies are removed. Visit the Digital Advertising Alliance and Network Advertising Initiative to learn more about opting out of cookies used on .com websites.